Cocky Eek

Landscape of Care

LANDSCAPE OF CARE | Tiznit Morocco 2018-19 

The Road of Water

In Landscape of Care we follow the (in)visible water road with activities and workshops. The road connects Ain Aqdim, the ancient water source in the heart of the medina, the Targua oasis, and the ancient water road that runs between them. The water flowing from Ain Aqdim to the oasis made the city a productive landscape. The water was diverted many times in the history due to political decisions in colonial and post-colonial periods even today parts of the original water route is covered and invisible. This project aims to restore the awareness of the water and invites the local community to creatively engage in reviving this muted water road.

Lansdcape of Care workshop #01: 14-23 december 2018, Tiznit, Marocco. 

Lansdcape of Care workshop #02: 19- 23 juni 2019, Tiznit, Marocco. 

A project of Slow Research Lab (Amsterdam)  landscape of care

in the press: 

FACILITATORS: Lead facilitator: Cocky Eek, Co-facilitator: Aimane Idhajji / L’blend Documentation: Youness Idihoum / L’blend | CORE TEAM IN MOROCCO : Salima Naji, architect, Bureau Salima Naji (Tiznit, MA),  David Goeury, cultural geographer, Centre Jaques Berque (Rabat, MA) | LOCAL ASSOCIATIONS: Association Abrinaz, an association of the users of agricultural water from the ancient source and protection of the oasis of Tiznit, especially for the perimeter of Targa n’Zit. Main project contact: Omar Boumehdi, École Lalla Meriem, R104, Ville Tiznit (place Mechouar) | LANDSCAPE OF CARE is a project of Slow Research Lab (Amsterdam) | supported by StimuleringsFonds.

Landscape of Care is intended to stimulate curiosity and fuel the imaginations of citizens, opening new lines of inquiry and engagement with and within the Tiznit urban fabric, while offering a template for modes of artistic research and community involvement that extend well beyond the local context. 

The workshops are a spatio-sensory exploration of the borders of the different ecologies weaving through each other in specific sites along the old water road in Tiznit. To listen to ‘non- human’ entities: animal and plant life, but also air, soil, minerals, materials, technological objects and systems. Emphasizing an embodied, sensuous listening/walking/ talking/ touching/smelling/tasting/feeling with attentiveness for detail. 

This workshop forms the basis for an ongoing pedagogical program at the public primary school Lalla Maryem.  Teachers of the school will be present during the workshop to learn from and with the others, and they will go on to develop a curriculum (art, natural sciences, etc.) from this experience.