By simply giving breath to the seemingly inanimate formal shape it becomes a living object which can affect us, and we affect it. Together we resonate with the local rhythms: able to orchestrate various moments of wonder.
Striped // 2010-2014, Marken Island, Nl. In 1916 the Island of Marken was heavily flood. In a wild storm some of the black/white striped wooden houses were blown away and drifted all the way to the Danish coast. Eek replaced one of the houses which hovered like liquid architecture on the open spots of the island. Performed by Ludmila Rodrigues and Wen Chin Fu.
Sinking in Between [2020]. The inflatable brings forward iridescent colours, reminiscent of ice crystals. The work is a meeting between artists Nicky Assmann and Cocky Eek in air, liquid and the interference of light. Credits: Sinking in Between was commissioned by Klankvorm for Lightforms Festival during IFFR 2020 in the Rotterdam harbour and made possible through the generous support of Gemeente Rotterdam & Mondriaan Fund Images by Pieter Kers
Cube / 3m x 3m x 3m / polyethylene, tape, air / 2012 /. A hnaging cube put under pressure by movement in the air. Project Plus. Interactive performances programmed by <tag>. Culture Night programme about the enhancement of human capabilities. The Hague, Paard van Troje. Performer Ruben Bus.
Cube / 3m x 3m x 3m / polyethylene, tape, air / 2012 /. The contents of a cube put under stress by a bungee cable. Project Plus. Interactive performances by the audience during the Culture Night programme by <tag>. The Hague, Paard van Troje. Photo made during the test afternoon with performer Ruben Bus.
Tidal States – a performative installation consisting of multiple ultra-thin translucent biodegradable inflated cubes, animated by pulsating light/sound rhythms from within. Zois Loumakis : light/sound performance; Kenzo Kusuda: dance performance; Suzanna van Oers: assistance. Video still Thijs Geritz. Performance: 9 February 2018. Installation: 8 & 10 February 2018, Broedplaats WD4X, iii workspace, the Hague. Modern Body Festival #02